Advanced Design Optimization LLC

Advanced Design Optimization

CFD/Mesh Generation

Mesh generation is one of the most important and time-consuming tasks in the CFD/FEA-based design optimization process. The quality of a mesh directly affects the accuracy and convergence rate of CFD/FEA simulations. Our proprietary automatic elliptic mesh generator can quickly generate 2D or 3D high-quality (in terms of orthogonality angle, expansion factor, and aspect ratio) multi-block structured hexahedral grids featured with boundary orthogonality, local clustering around bodies, and complete continuity at block-to-block interfaces. Such hexahedral grids especially allow for the accurate CFD prediction of complex flow in the boundary layers and sub-layers adjacent to the wall surfaces. These grids are particularly useful and feasible for blood pumps where flow patterns in tiny blade tip clearances and annular fluid gaps need to be revealed with very refined high-quality mesh. With the same number of grid elements, a structured hexahedral grid can provide far more accurate solutions than those unstructured tetrahedral grids. A structured grid with hexahedral elements is also more desirable for application in geometric shape optimization than an unstructured grid with tetrahedral cells. 


Our advanced automatic elliptic mesh generator can generate the mesh with formats compatible with lead CFD software such as ANSYS-FLUENT, ANSYS-CFX and STAR-CD etc. It can be applied to any types of turbomachinery, medical devices or industrial products.












Blood Pumps
Green Energy
Optimization Cases
Mesh Generation
High-quality multiblock grids generated by ADO's automatic mesh generators
High-quality multi-block structured CFD grids generated by our advanced automatic mesh generator
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