Our innovative CFD/FEA-based design optimization has been successfully applied to numerous ventricular assist devices (VADs) for adults,
small children, and infants as well as many large industrial pumps with proven track record of accomplishments. With the design inputs (such as flow rate and head) specified by customers, our proprietary 3D inverse design tools can create all the components of any types of pumps in minutes. Our state-of-the-art design optimization software can generate the high-quality mesh automatically and optimize the pump quickly to achieve high hydrodynamic performance and/or excellent biocompatibility. It can
be easily extended to develop many other medical devices and industrial products.
Long blade impeller designs have been seldom used in industrial pumps or hydro-turbines except for the special cases in which fish-friendly
design is preferred. For axial-flow blood pumps, both short blade and long blade impeller designs have advantages and disadvantages
in terms of hydrodynamic performances and blood damage. We can perform trade-off studies to select the best compromise suitable
for the client's needs.